BIAS 22 – Review Day 1 – Dr James Cussens: ‘Algorithms for learning Bayesian networks’

BIAS 22 DAY 1, TALK 1 

This blog post is written by CDT Students  Roussel Desmond Nzoyem, Davide Turco and Mauro Comi 

This Tuesday 06th September 2022 marked the start of the second edition of the Bristol Interactive AI Summer School (BIAS): a unique blend of events (talks, workshops, etc.) focusing on machine learning and other forms of AI explored in the Interactive AI CDT.

Following the tradition, BIAS22 began with a few words of introduction from the CDT director, Professor Peter Flach. He welcomed and warmly thanked the roomful of attendees from academia and industry.

Prof Flach proceeded with a passionate presentation of the range of speakers while giving the audience a brief taste of what to expect during the 3-day long event: talks, workshops, along with a barbecue! He remarked on the variety of Interactive AI ingredients that would be touched: data-driven AI, knowledge-driven AI, human-AI interaction, and Responsible AI.

Prof Flach’s introduction ended with an acknowledgement of the organisers of the event.


Dr James Cussens: ‘Algorithms for learning Bayesian networks’

The first talk of the day was an introduction to Bayesian networks and methods to learn them, given by our very own James Cussens.

Bayesian networks (BN) are directed acyclic graphs, in which each node represents a random variable. The important aspects of these networks, as Dr Cussens highlighted, is that they both define probabilistic distributions and causality relationships: this makes Bayesian networks a popular tool in complex fields such as epidemiology and medical sciences.

Learning BNs is a form of unsupervised learning, based on the assumption that the available data (real or simulated) is generated by an underlying BN. There are multiple reasons for learning a BN from data, such as learning a data-generating probability distribution or learning conditional independence relationships between variables; the talk, however, focused on learning a BN in order to estimate a causal model of the data, which is a task not easy to complete with other machine learning approaches we study and use in the CDT.

A popular algorithm for learning the structure of a BN, the so-called DAG, is constraint-based learning: the basic idea behind this algorithm is to perform statistical tests on data and find a DAG which is consistent with the outcomes of the tests. However, this approach presents some issues: for example, different DAGs could encode the same set of conditional independence relationships.

Dr Cussens then proceeded to introduce DAGgity, a widely used software for creating DAGs and analysing their causal structure. It is important to note that DAGgity does not learn DAGs from data, but allows the researcher to perform interventions and graph surgery. For example, it could allow a clinician to infer a treatment-response causal effects without doing that in practice. The talk also included a small excursus on score-based learning of BNs, which is a Bayesian approach to learning these networks, I.e., it has a prior formulation.

There are many different methods for learning BNs and evaluation is key for choosing the best method. Dr Cussens introduced benchpress, a framework for performing method evaluation and comparison, and showed some results from the benchpress paper, including the evaluation of his own method, GOBNILP (Global Optimum Bayesian Network via Inductive Logic Programming).

We are thankful to James Cussens for opening the BIAS22 with his talk; it was great to get an introduction to these methods that put together many aspects of our CDT, such as causality and graphical models.


BIAS 22 – Review Day 1: Professor James Ladyman: “Attributing cognitive and affective states to AI systems”

This blog post is written by CDT Student Henry Addison

BIAS 22 – Human stupidity about artificial intelligence: My thoughts on Professor James Ladyman’s talk “Attributing cognitive and affective states to AI systems”,  Tuesday 6th September 2022

The speaker arrives, sweaty, excited after his dash across town. The AI never stops working so perhaps he cannot either. He is a doom-monger. How are the lying liars in charge lying to you? When those people-in-charge run large tech companies, how do they take advantage of our failures to both miss and over-attribute cognitive and affective states and agency to AI in order to manipulate us?

AI is a field that seeks to decouple capabilities that in humans are integrated. For humans interacting with them, this can surprise us. In adult humans intelligence is wrapped up with sentience, autonomy is wrapped up with responsibility. Not so the chess robot – very good at chess (which for a human requires intelligence) but not sentient – nor the guided targeting system for which the responsibility of target-picking is left to a human.

Humans are overkeen to believe an AI cares, understands, is autonomous. These words have many meanings to humans, allowing the decoupling of capabilities to confuse us. “Who cares for granny?” This may be a request for the nurse (human or robot) who assists your grandmother in and out of the bath. Or it may be a request of despair by a parent trying to get their children to help prepare a birthday party. If an AI is autonomous, is it a moral agent that is responsible for what it does?

The flip side of the coin are the capabilities that we do not attribute to an AI, perhaps because they are capabilities human do not have. We lose sight of important things. Like how the machines notice and store away far more than we expect and then use these data to serve us ads, recommend us films, deny us loans, guide us to romantic partners, get us hooked on the angry ramblings of narcissists, lock us up.

AI is shit. AI is ruining us. AI is enabling a descent into fascism. But presumably there is enough hope for him to bother building up such a sweat to come and talk to us. We must do more philosophizing so more people can understand AI and avoid unconscious manipulation by it. The business models of data that take advantage of us are our fault, they are human creations not technical necessities but that means we can change them.

Then again how was the speaker lying to me? How is your lying liar of an author lying to you?

AI Worldbuilding Contest – Future Life Institute

This blog post is written by CDT Students Tashi Namgyal and  Vanessa  Hanschke.

Two Interactive AI CDT students were part of a team that won third place in the AI Worldbuilding Contest run by the Future of Life Institute along with their three non-CDT teammates. In this blog post, we would like to tell you more about the competition, its goals and our team’s process of creating the submission.

The Future of Life Institute describe themselves as “an independent non-profit that works to reduce extreme risks from transformative technologies, as well as steer the development and use of these technologies to benefit life”. Besides running contests, their work consists of running grants programs for research projects, educational outreach or engaging in AI policymaking internationally and nationally in the US.

The worldbuilding competition was aimed at creating a discussion around a desirable future, in which Artificial General Intelligence (AI that can complete a wide range of tasks roughly as well as humans) played a major role in shaping the world. The deliverables included a timeline of events until 2045, two “day in the life” short stories, 13 answers to short question prompts and a media piece.

While dystopian or utopian visions of our future are quite commonplace in science fiction, the particular challenge of the competition was to provide an account of the future that was both plausible and hopeful. This formulation raised a lot of questions such as: For whom will the future be hopeful in 2045? How do we resolve or make progress towards existing crises such as climate change that threaten our future? We discussed these questions at length in our meetings before we even got to imagining concrete future worlds.

Our team was composed of different backgrounds and nationalities: we had two IAI CDT PhD students, one civil servant, one Human Computer Interaction researcher and one researcher in Creative Informatics. We were brought together by our shared values, interests, friendship, and our common homes, Bristol and Edinburgh. We tried to exploit these different backgrounds to provide a diverse picture of what the future could look like. We generated future visions for domains that could be influenced by Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), that are often low-tech, but a core part of human society such as art and religion.

To fit the project into our full-time working week, we decided that we would meet weekly during the brainstorming phase to collect ideas and create drafts for stories, events and question prompts on a Miro board. Each week we would also set each other small tasks to build a foundation of our world in 2045, for example everyone had to write a day in the life story for their own life in 2045. We then chose a weekend closer to the deadline, where we had a “Hackathon”-like intense two days to work on more polished versions of all the different parts of the submission. During this weekend we went through each other’s answers, gave each other feedback and made suggestions to make the submission more cohesive. Our team was selected as one of the 20 finalists out of 144 entries and there was a month for the public to give feedback on whether people felt inspired by or would like to live in such worlds, before the final positions were judged by FLI.

Thinking about how AI tools may be used or misused in the future is a core part of the Interactive AI CDT. The first-year taught module on Responsible AI introduces concepts such as fairness, accountability, transparency, privacy and trustworthiness in relation to AI systems. We go through case studies of where these systems have failed in each regard so we can see how ethics, law and regulation apply to our own PhD research, and in turn how our work might impact these things in the future. In the research phase of the programme, the CDT organises further workshops on topics such as Anticipation & Responsible Innovation and Social & Ethical Issues and there are international conferences in this area we can join with our research stipends, such as FAccT.

If you are curious, you can view our full submission here or listen to the podcast, which we submitted as media piece here. In our submission, we really tried to centre humanity’s place in this future. In summary, the world we created was to make you feel the future, really imagine your place in 2045. Current big tech is not addressing the crises of our times including inequality, climate change, war, and pestilence. Our world seeks to imagine a future where human values are still represented – our propensity for cooperation, creativity, and emotion. But we had to include a disclaimer for our world: our solutions are still open to risk of human actors using them for ill purposes. Our solution for regulating AGI was built on it being an expensive technology in the hand of few companies and regulated internationally, but we tried to think beyond the bounds of AGI. We imagine a positive future grounded in a balanced climate, proper political, social and economic solutions to real world problems, and where human dignity is maintained and respected.




Understanding Dimensionality Reduction

This blog post is written by CDT Student Alex Davies

Sometimes your data has a lot of features. In fact, if you have more than three, useful visualisation and understanding can be difficult. In a machine-learning context high numbers of features can also lead to the curse of dimensionality and the potential for overfitting. Enter this family of algorithms: dimensionality reduction.

The essential aim of a dimensionality reduction algorithm is to reduce the number of features of your input data. Formally, this is a mapping from a high dimensional space to low dimensional. This could be to make your data more concise and robust, for more efficient applications in msachine-learning, or just to visualise how the data “looks”.

There are a few broad classes of algorithm, with many individual variations inside each of these branches. This means that getting to grips with how they work, and when to use which algorithm, can be difficult. This issue can be compounded when each algorithm’s documentation focuses more on “real” data examples, which is hard for humans to really grasp, so we end up in a situation where we are using a tool we don’t fully understand to interpret data that we also don’t understand.

The aim of this article is to give you some intuition into how different classes of algorithm work. There will be some maths, but nothing too daunting. If you feel like being really smart, each algorithm will have a link to a source that gives a fully fleshed out explanation.

How do we use these algorithms?

This article isn’t going to be a tutorial in how to code with these algorithms, because in general its quite easy to get started. Check the following code:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE

#    Load the data, here we're using the MNIST dataset
digits     = load_digits()

#    Load labels + the data (here, 16x16 images)
labels     = digits["target"]
data       = digits["data"]

#    Initialise a dimensionality model - this could be sklearn.decomposition.PCA or some other model
TSNE_model = TSNE(verbose = 0)
#    Apply the model to the data
embedding  = TSNE_model.fit_transform(data)

#    Plot the result!
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (6,6))
for l in np.unique(labels):
    ax.scatter(*embedding[labels == l,:].transpose(), label = l)
ax.legend(shadow = True)

/Users/alexdavies/miniforge3/envs/networks/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sklearn/manifold/ FutureWarning: The default initialization in TSNE will change from 'random' to 'pca' in 1.2.

/Users/alexdavies/miniforge3/envs/networks/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sklearn/manifold/ FutureWarning: The default learning rate in TSNE will change from 200.0 to 'auto' in 1.2.

The data we’re using is MNIST, a dataset of 16×16 monochrome hand-written digits from one to ten. I’ll detail how TSNE works later on. Admittedly this code is not the tidiest, but a lot of it is also just for a nice graph at the end. The only lines we dedicated to TSNE were the initial import, calling the model, and using it to embed the data.

We still have the issue, though, of actually understanding the data. Here its not too bad, as these are images, but in other data forms we can’t really get to grips with how the data works. Ideally we’d have some examples of how different algorithms function when applied to data we can understand…

An image from the MNIST dataset, here of the number 3

Toy examples

Here are some examples of how different algorithms function apply to data we can understand. I’d credit this sklearn page on clustering as inspiration for this figure.

Toy 3D data, and projections of it by differerent algorithms. All algorithms are run with their default parameters.

The examples down the first column are the original data in 3D. The other columns are how a given algorithm projects these examples down into scatter-plot-able 2D. Each algorithm is run with its default parameters, and these examples have in part been designed to “break” each algorithm.

We can see that PCA (Principle Component Analysis) and TruncatedSVD (the sklearn version of Singular Value Decomposition) function like a change in camera angle. MDS (Multi-Dimensional Scaling) is a little more odd, and warps the data a little. Spectral Embedding has done a similar thing to MDS.

Things get a little weirder when we get onto TSNE (T-Stochastic Neighbours Embedding) and UMAP (Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection). The data doesn’t end up looking much like the original (visually), but they have represented something about the nature of the data, often separating the data where appropriate.

PCA, SVD, similar

This is our first branch of the dimensionality reduction family tree, and are often the first dimensionality reduction methods people are introduced to, in particular PCA. Assuming we’re in a space defined by basis vectors V, we might want to find the most useful (orthogonal) combination of these basis vectors U, as in u = α v + β v+

V here can be thought of our initial angle to the axes of the data, and U a “better” angle to understand the data. This would be called a “linear transform”, which only means that a straight line in the original data will also be a straight line in the projection.

Linear algebra-based methods like SVD and PCA try and use a mathematical approach to find the optimum form of for a set of data. PCA and SVD aim to find the angle that best explain the covariance of the data. There’s a lot of literature out there about these algorithms, and this isn’t really the place for mathematic discussion, but I will give some key takeaways.

A full article about PCA by Tony Yiu can be found here, and here’s the same for SVD by Hussein Abdulrahman.

Firstly, these algorithms don’t “change” the data, as shown in the previous section. All they can do is “change the angle” to one that hopefully explains as much as possible about the data. Secondly, they are defined by a set of equations, and there’s no internal optimisation process beyond this, so you don’t need to be particularly concerned about overfitting. Lastly, each actually produces the same number of components (dimensions) as your original data, but ordered by how much covariance that new component explains. Generally you’ll only need to use the first few of these components.

We can see this at play in that big figure above. All the results of these algorithms, with a little thought, are seen to explain the maximum amount of variance. Taking the corkscrews as an example, both algorithms take a top down view, ignoring the change along the z axis. This is because the maximum variance in the data is the circles that the two threads follow, so a top down view explains all of this variance.

For contrast, here’s PCA applied to the MNIST data:

PCA applied to the MNIST data

Embeddings (MDS, Spectral Embedding, TSNE, UMAP)

The other branch of this family of algorithms are quite different in their design and function to the linear algebra-based methods we’ve talked about so far. Those algorithms look for global metrics — such as covariance and variance — across your data. That means they can be seen as taking a “global view”. These algorithms don’t necessarily not take a global view, but they have a greater ability to represent local dynamics in your data.

We’ll start with an algorithm that bridges the gap between linear algebra methods and embedding methods: Spectral Embedding.

Spectral Embedding

Often in machine-learning we want to be able to separate groups within data. This could be the digits in the MNIST data we’ve seen so far, types of fish, types of flower, or some other classification problem. This also has applications in grouping-based regression problems.

The problem (sometimes) with the linear-algebra methods above is that sometimes the data just isn’t that easily separable by “moving the camera”. For example take a look at the sphere-in-sphere example in that big figure above: PCA and SVD do not separate the two spheres. At this point it can be more practical to instead consider the relationships between individual points.

Spectral Embedding does just this: it measures the distance between a given number of neighbours. What we’ve actually done here is make a graph (or network) that represents the relationships between points. A simple example of building a distance-graph is below.





A very simple example of making a distance-graph and a distance-matrix

Our basic aim is to move to a 2D layout of the data that best represents this graph, which hopefully will show how the data “looks” in high dimensions.

From this graph we construct a matrix of weights for each connection. Don’t get too concerned if you’re not comfortable with the term “matrix”, as this is essentially just a table with equal numbers of rows and columns, with each entry representing the weight of the connection between two points.

In spectral embedding these distances are then turned into “weights”, often by passing through a normal distribution or simply binary edges. Binary edges would have [1 = is neighbour, 0 = is not neighbour]. From the weight matrix we apply some linear algebra. We’ll call the weight matrix W.

First we build a diagonal matrix (off diagonal = 0) by summing across rows or columns. This means that each point now has a given weight, instead of weights for pairs of points. We’ll call this diagonal weight matrix D.

We then get the “Laplacian”, L = D-W. The Laplacian is a difficult concept to summarise briefly, but essentially is a matrix that represents the weight graph we’ve been building up until now. Spectral Embedding then performs an “eigenvalue decomposition”. If you’re familiar with linear algebra this isn’t anything new. If you’re not I’m afraid there isn’t space to have a proper discussion of how this is done, but check this article about Spectral Embedding by Elemento for more information.

The eigenvalue decomposition produces a nice set of eigenvectors, one for each dimension in the original data, and like in PCA and SVD, we take the first couple as our dimensionality reduction. I’ve applied a Spectral Embedding to the MNIST data we’ve been using, which is in this figure:

Spectral Embedding applied to the MNIST digits dataset from sklearn

Interpreting spectral embeddings can be tricky compared to other algorithms. The important thing to bear in mind is that we’ve found the vectors that we think best describe the distances between points.

For a bit more analysis we can again refer to that big figure near the start. Firstly, to emphasise that we’re looking at distances, check out the cube-in-cube and corkscrews examples. The projections we’ve arrived at actually do explain the majority of the distances between points. The cubes are squashed together — because the distances between cubes is far less than the point-to-point diagonal distance. Similarly the greatest variation in distance in the corkscrew example is the circular — so that’s what’s preserved in our Spectral Embedding.

As a final observation have a look at what’s happened to our intersecting gaussians. There is a greater density of points at the centre of the distributions than at their intersection — so the Spectral Embedding has pulled apart them apart.

The basic process for (most) embedding methods, for example MDS, UMAP and t-SNE


What happens when we don’t solve the dimensionality reduction problem with any (well, some) linear algebra? We arrive at the last general group of algorithms we’ll talk about.

These start much the same as Spectral Embedding: by constructing a graph/network of the data. This is done in different ways by each of these algorithms.

Most simple is MDS, which uses just the distance between all points. This is a computationally costly step, as for N points, we have to calculate O(N²) distances.

TSNE does a similar thing as Spectral Embedding, and moves from distance into a weight of connection, which represents the probability that these two points are related. This is normally done using a normal distribution. Unlike Spectral Embedding or UMAP, TSNE doesn’t consider these distances for a given number of neighbours, but instead draws a bubble around itself and gets distances and weights for all the points in that bubble. It’s not quite that simple, but this is already a long article, so check this article by Kemal Erdem for a full walkthrough.

UMAP considers a fixed number of neighbours for each point, like Spectral Embedding, but has a slightly different way of calculating distances. The “Uniform Manifold” in UMAP means that UMAP is assuming that points are actually uniformly distributed, but that the data-space itself is warped, so that points don’t show this.

Again the maths here is difficult, so check the UMAP documentation for a full walkthrough. Be warned, however, that the authors are very thorough in their explanation. As of May 2022, the “how UMAP works” section is over 4500 words.

In UMAP, TSNE and Spectral Embedding, we have a parameter we can use to change how global a view we want the embedding to take. UMAP and Spectral Embedding are fairly intuitive, where we control simply the number neighbours considered, but in TSNE we use perplexity, which kind of like the size of the bubble around each point.

Once these algorithms have a graph with weighted edges, they try and lay out the graph in a lower number of dimensions (for our purposes this is 2D). They do this by trying to optimise according to a given function. This just means that they try and find the best way to place the nodes in our graph in 2D, according to an equation.

For MDS this is “stress”:

Credit goes to Saul Dobilas article on MDS

TSNE first calculated the student-t distribution with a single degree of freedom:

The student-t distribution with one degree of freedom, as used by TSNE

Its important to note in the equation above that all are actually vectors, as in the stress equation, so that with those ||a— b|| partswe’re calculating a kind of distance. here is the similarity between points. From here TSNE uses the Kullback-Leibler divergence of the two graphs to measure their similarity. It all gets very mathsy — check out Kemal Erdem’s article for more information.

UMAP again steps up the maths, and optimises the cross-entropy between the low-D and high-D layouts:

Cross-entropy used by UMAP. Subscript H indicates higher-D, subscript L indicates lower-D

The best explanation of UMAP actually comes from its own documentation. This might be because they don’t distribute it through sklearn.

This can be broken down into a repulsive and attractive “force” between points in the high-D and low-D graphs, so that the layout step acts like a set of atoms in a molecule. Using forces is quite common in graph layouts, and can be intuitive to think about compared to other metrics. It also means that UMAP (in theory) should be able to express both global and local dynamics in the data, depending on your choice of the number of neighbours considered. In practise this means that you can actually draw conclusions about your data from the distance between points across the whole UMAP embedding, including the shape of clusters, unlike TSNE.

It’s been a while without a figure, so here’s all three applied to the MNIST data:

MDS, TSNE and UMAP applied to the sklearn version of the MNIST dataset

We can see that all three seem to have been fairly effective. But how should we understand the results of something that, while optimising the lower-D graph, uses a stochastic (semi-random) process? How do you interpret something that changes based on its random seed? Ideally, we develop an intuition as to how the algorithms function, instead of just knowing the steps of the algorithm.

I’m going to ask you to scroll back up to the top and take another look at the big figure again. Its the last time we do this, I promise.

Firstly, MDS considers all the inter-point relations, so the global shape of data is preserved. You can see this in particular in the first two examples. The inner cube has all of its vertices connected, and the vertices of each cube “line up” with each other (vague, hopefully you see what I mean). There is some disconnection in the edges of the outer cube, and some warping in all the other edges. This might be due to the algorithm trying to preserve distances, but as with all stochastic processes, its difficult to decipher.

UMAP and TSNE also maintain the “lines” of the cube. UMAP is actually successful at separating the two cubes, and makes interesting “exploded diagram” style representations of them. In the UMAP embedding only one of the vertices of each cube is separated. In the TSNE embedding the result isn’t as promising, possibly because the “bubble” drawn by the algorithm around points also catches the points in the other cube.

Both UMAP and TSNE separate the spheres in the second example and the gaussians in the fourth. The “bubble” vs neighbours difference between UMAP and TSNE is also illustrated by the corkscrews example (with a non-default number of neighbours considered by UMAP the result might be more similar). So these algorithms look great! Except there’s always a catch.

Check the final example, which we haven’t touched on before. This is just random noise along each axis. There should be no meaningful pattern in the projections — and the first four algorithms reflect this. SVD, MDS and the Spectral Embedding are actually able to represent the “cube” shape of the data. However, TSNE and UMAP could easily be interpreted as having some pattern or meaning, especially UMAP.

We’ve actually arrived at the classic machine-learning compromise: expressivity vs bias. As the algorithms become more complex, and more able to represent complex dynamics in the data, their propensity to also capture confounding or non-meaningful patterns also becomes greater. UMAP, arguably the most complex of these algorithms, arguably has the greatest expressivity, but also the greatest risk of bias.


So what have we learnt? As algorithms become more complex, they’re more able to express dynamics in the data, but risk also expressing patterns that we don’t want. That’s true all over machine learning, in classification, regression or something else.

Distance-based models with stochastic algorithms (UMAP, TSNE, MDS) represent the relationships between points, and linear-algebra methods (PCA, SVD) take a “global” view, so if you want to make sure that your reduction is true to the data, stick with these.

Parameter choice becomes more important in the newer, stochastic, distance-based models. The corkscrew and cube examples are useful here — a different choice of parameters and we might have had UMAP looking more like TSNE.

Bristol Summer AI day – 30 June 2022

This blog post is written by CDT Students Mauro Comi and Matt Clifford.

For the Bristol summer AI day we were lucky enough to hear from an outstanding group of internationally renowned speakers. The general topic for talks was based around the evaluation of machine learning models. During the day we touched upon a variety of interesting concepts such as: multilabel calibration, visual perception, meta-learning, uncertainty-awareness and the evaluation of calibration. It was an enjoyable and inspiring day and we give a huge thanks to all of the organisers and speakers of the day.

Capability Oriented Evaluation of Models

The day’s talks opened with Prof. José Hernández-Orallo who presented his work around evaluating the capabilities of models rather than their aggregated performance. Capability and performance are two words in machine learning evaluation that are often mistakenly used interchangeably.

Capabilities are a more concrete evaluation of a model which can tell us the prediction of a model’s success on an instance level. This is crucial and reassuring for safety critical applications where knowing the limits of use for a model is essential.

Evaluation of classifier calibration

Prof. Meelis Kull gave a pragmatic demonstration of how the errors of calibration can be determined. After giving us an overview of the possible biases when estimating the calibration error from a given test set, he explained a new paradigm ‘fit-on-the-test’. This approach reduces some biases such as those due to arbitrary binning choices of the probability space.

A Turing Test for Artificial Nets devoted to vision

Jesus’ presented work focused on understanding the visual system. Deep neural networks are the current state of the art in machine vision tasks, taking some degree of inspiration from the human visual system. However, using deep neural networks to understand the visual system is not easy.

Their work proposes an easy-to-use test to determine if human-like behaviour emerges from the network. Which, in principle, is a desirable property of a network that is designed to perform similar tasks that the human brain conducts, such as image segmentation and object classification.

The experiments are a Turing style set of tests that the human visual system is known to pass. They provide a notebook style test bed on GitHub. In theory, if your network that is operating on the visual domain passes the tests then it is regarded as having a competent understanding of the natural visual world.

The evaluation procedures were later explained by Jesus’ PhD students Jorge and Pablo. They take two networks: PerceptNet and a UNet variation, and with them determine the level of similarity to the human visual system. They test known features that occur and that are processed by the human visual system when shown in natural images such as Gabor filter edge outputs and luminosity sensitive scaling. The encoded representations of the images from PerceptNet and UNet are then compared to what is found in the human visual system to illustrate any discrepancies.

This work into evaluating networks’ understanding of natural imaging is useful for justifying decisions such as architecture design and what knowledge a network has learnt.

Uncertainty awareness in machine learning models

Prof. Eyke Hullermeier’s talk expanded on the concept of uncertainty awareness in ML model. ML classifiers tend to be overconfident on their predictions, and this could lead to harmful behaviours, especially in safety-critical contexts. Ideally, we want a ML system to give us an unbiased and statistically reliable estimation of their uncertainty. In simpler words, we want our model to tell us “I am not sure about this”.

When dealing with uncertainty, it is important to distinguish the aleatoric uncertainty, due to stochasticity in the data, from the epistemic one, which is caused by lack of knowledge. However, Prof. Hullermeier explains that it’s often hard to discern the source of uncertainty in real-world scenarios. The conversation moves from a frequentist to a Bayesian perspective of uncertainty, and dives into different levels of probability estimation.

ML for Explainable AI

Explainability is a hot topic in Machine Learning nowadays. Prof. Cèsar Ferri presented his recent work on creating accurate and interpretable explanations using Machine Teaching, an area that looks for the optimal examples that a teacher should use to make a learner capture a concept.

This is an interesting concept for machine learning models where the teacher and student scenario has been flipped. Prof. Ferri showed how this concept was applied to make noisy curves representing battery health monitoring more interpretable. This involves selecting an explanation that balances simplicity and persuasiveness to the user in order to convey the information effectively.

Explainability in meta learning and multilabel calibration

Dr. Telmo SIlva Filho expanded the concept of explainability introduced by Prof. Ferri to the meta-learning setting. The first paper that he described suggested a novel method, Local Performance Regions, to extract rules from a predetermined region in the data space and link them to an expected performance.

He then followed, together with Dr. Hao Sang, with a discussion of multilabel classification and calibration, and how multilabel calibration is often necessary due to the limitation of label-wise classification. The novelty in their approach consists in calibrating a joint label probability with consistent covariance structure.

Final Words

Again, we would like to emphasise our gratitude to all of the speakers and organisers of this event and we look forward to the next interactive AI event!